The members of my chosen community are all religious people to say the least. They range from weekly members to ushers, deacons, pastors and so-on. Some of us have been members of this community since birth, and some for only months. Whatever the case may be, we’re all family; we love and care for each other in the same manner.
Interaction between each other is done usually in a genuine manner with each other. There are some people who don’t get along very well, but every week, we all work on making ourselves better so that we will be a stronger community, thus making a stronger team.
In order to become a member, that person must have a desire to belong to the church, or else they wouldn’t waste their time in the first place. I attend a Christian church, so it’s beneficial for this person to know who it is that we worship, and if they don’t know completely, they can be taught in new member’s classes. Some members have been a part of the church since birth, so joining the church isn’t necessary. They are joined through their parents, and eventually undergo various ceremonies, like a christening. One thing I like about Christianity is that it’s not a forceful religion. This means that if someone decided they wanted to leave due to lack of belief or wanted to join another church, there would be no kind of reprimand for doing so.
I enjoy fellowship inside of a small, positive building of people who all just want to better themselves. I enjoy my church because it is the perfect place to go to turn a life around. Anyone who is truly in the belief knows that it takes complete faith to experience, and when that feeling is finally accomplished, it can be felt. Many people don’t believe because they don’t trust something they cannot see, but there is always space to turn around as well, no matter the age. That would bring up my next reason for enjoying this community: No matter past experiences, a person can rejoin and try to turn their life around.