Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The way for me to make it

When I make it to Atlassian in two weeks, I’m quite sure that the first skill my manager and fellow workers will get to see first will be my communication skills.  I enjoy conversing with people on a regular basis, and talking regularly with other workers there will strengthen my professional diction and make my word choice so much more polished.  My position is based on desktop support, so my communication skills will be most important to sharpen if I plan on being effective when I receive my first real call from a software user.

One question that’s been constantly circulating through my mind is ,”Will I be working with hardware?” I really have the most passion to strip and reassemble computers, so I want to make sure that I’m able to let that be known when I get the opportunity.

I hope that my manager, Dylan, will be very laid back, exciting, and personable. I can be most efficient whenever I’m in a comfortable workplace.  After seeing the building and its environment, I’m sure it will be anything but tight and conservative.

I believe one of the best ways to stand out at this internship is to fit in.  If the other workers see me as just one of the guys, it will be hard for them to make the decision of letting me go after internship.  If I can become a part of the team to the point that working without me would seem weird, then I have solidified my spot at Atlassian.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Hello 2012!

I have no idea what the New Year has in store for me, but I do know that I enjoyed celebrating with the people closest to me.  My dad always offers his house to the family to come over and celebrate on New Year’s Eve with a huge Barbeque and dinner.  He and I prepare the food every year and other relatives bring over other dishes and desserts for the whole family.  I love doing this because I get the chance to eat some great food and fellowship with love ones.  All of the men watch the football game (if there is one on) and debate on which team is the best, as most men do.  The women talk about us and how glued to the television screen we always are, while they talk amongst themselves and play with the babies.  The kids play with my video games and run around my house breaking things.  I’m big on spending time with my family, so the environment itself always warms me inside.  It feels good to see a group of people together getting along and enjoying each other’s company.  We don’t do the countdown together, but my neighbors came over my house with some small popper fireworks and we cracked open a couple of beers, waiting for midnight to strike.  There is a lot wrong in the world today, and because of things told to us in 2010, many people feel like we’re in our last days.  Nobody truly knows when the world will end, so I expect 2012 to be a fulfilling year with great accomplishments and new journeys.